
If You Love Somebody, Set Yourself Free!

If You Love Somebody, Set Yourself Free!

See if this sounds familiar: After longing for a profound intimate partner and relationship, you finally meet someone that seems like a great fit.

You’re elated and hopeful... until you’re not. Sooner or later, you start worrying that this new person in your life isn't going to stick around. You may feel fearful about what you do or say - scared that one false move on your part will send them running.

The Art of Apology

The Art of Apology

H2O…. you know… water. It’s pretty much the lifeforce of our existence. Remove the O (oxygen) from it and you simply don’t have water. Clearly, it’s the sum of its parts that makes it so. Similarly, an apology requires four equally important components to be complete and effective. If it’s missing even a single part, it isn’t really an apology.

Fundamental Communication

Fundamental Communication

The central communication skill in harmonious relationships is telling the truth. There are many benefits from being able to tell the bottom line truth to your partner. First, it increases liveliness in each partner and in the relationship; clear, truthful communication opens a deeper Love and flow of intimacy. Second, clear communication that sticks to basic sensations and individual experience prevents argument.

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

With the favored conditions, sheen, and holiday sensibilities it’s understandable that annually December holds the designation as the month with the most engagements. However, as the calendar page turns with each new year, we also discover that January retains the title as the month with the highest rate of divorce filings. In fact, it’s commonly referenced within related industries (wellness, legal, financial, etc.) as “Divorce Month.” Further details indicate that the first Monday [in January] after schools are back in session from holiday break is the single day with the most filings of the month.

The New Relationship: Change Five Beliefs to Make Love Your Truth… Again.

The New Relationship: Change Five Beliefs to Make Love Your Truth… Again.

[I'm confessing upfront that while this blog post is longer than usual, it may be one of my personal favorites of anything I've written. I think it's worth reading alongside a cup of tea or coffee.]

I woke up in the middle of the night, quickly scribbled five things, and went right back to sleep. In the morning, I awoke to decipher my barely legible script, and as I often do, carried the note in my pocket all day to keep echoing.

How to Make & Keep Agreements

How to Make & Keep Agreements

I get it. It seems elementary to have an article centered on making and keeping agreements. However, if it was remedial, it wouldn’t likely be necessary.

In fact, it is so principle that it is the only foundational concept that is common to the Soul Expansion (Conscious Loving & Living), Conscious Dating, Born.Romantic, Conscious Separation, and Expanding Into Feelings of Joyfulness programs.

Who Else Wants to Receive Feedback Without Being Defensive?

Who Else Wants to Receive Feedback Without Being Defensive?

If you know that feedback is good for you; why do you sometimes respond defensively when you hear it? It’s natural to want to protect your feelings, but cutting yourself off from useful input interferes with learning and growth.

5 Easy Guidelines For Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

5 Easy Guidelines For Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

The ecosystem of a family is truly the sum of its parts. In this ever-changing and fast paced society, it seems to be more of a challenge to parent and maintain strong families.

Soul Expansion offers specific programs and skills for this most important area. Applying the principles and skills [of Soul Expansion] holistically brings harmony by allowing parents and children to accept accountability for their own feelings, thoughts, and actions.

16 Empowering Ways to Change Your Life

16 Empowering Ways to Change Your Life

Your experiences are shaped by your beliefs (and as you may have learned through Soul Expansion, every belief contains a lie). Even obstacles have a value when you can seek it. You can develop commitments that will help you to be happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation.

Consider these empowering intentions that you can start using today.

Breakthrough Feelings of Fear

Breakthrough Feelings of Fear

Feelings of fear are a foundational part of life. As you'll discover through Soul Expansion, it is one of the five emotions of the Human Experience, and believe it or not... really wonderful. In fact, like all emotions, feelings of fear aren't good or bad, they're neutral.