
Fundamental Communication

Fundamental Communication

The central communication skill in harmonious relationships is telling the truth. There are many benefits from being able to tell the bottom line truth to your partner. First, it increases liveliness in each partner and in the relationship; clear, truthful communication opens a deeper Love and flow of intimacy. Second, clear communication that sticks to basic sensations and individual experience prevents argument.

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

With the favored conditions, sheen, and holiday sensibilities it’s understandable that annually December holds the designation as the month with the most engagements. However, as the calendar page turns with each new year, we also discover that January retains the title as the month with the highest rate of divorce filings. In fact, it’s commonly referenced within related industries (wellness, legal, financial, etc.) as “Divorce Month.” Further details indicate that the first Monday [in January] after schools are back in session from holiday break is the single day with the most filings of the month.

The Benefits of Being Assertive

The Benefits of Being Assertive

As discovered through Soul Expansion, in order to live your life in the present, you will need to learn to become assertive. You have to learn to advocate for yourself and your needs and wants, and recognize the needs and wants of others. This is very different from being aggressive or overly-demanding; both of those deal with ego. Assertiveness deals with self-love, and advocating for yourself in a healthy, productive, and proactive manner.