
Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

With the favored conditions, sheen, and holiday sensibilities it’s understandable that annually December holds the designation as the month with the most engagements. However, as the calendar page turns with each new year, we also discover that January retains the title as the month with the highest rate of divorce filings. In fact, it’s commonly referenced within related industries (wellness, legal, financial, etc.) as “Divorce Month.” Further details indicate that the first Monday [in January] after schools are back in session from holiday break is the single day with the most filings of the month.

Learn to Love Your Imperfections

Learn to Love Your Imperfections

Do you experience shame and are annoyed by your imperfections?

Your imperfections are part of your being and make you more interesting, special, and unique. It’s time to accept them instead of fighting them. You can’t achieve optimal health and wellness if you’re battling inner issues about who you are.