
If You Love Somebody, Set Yourself Free!

If You Love Somebody, Set Yourself Free!

See if this sounds familiar: After longing for a profound intimate partner and relationship, you finally meet someone that seems like a great fit.

You’re elated and hopeful... until you’re not. Sooner or later, you start worrying that this new person in your life isn't going to stick around. You may feel fearful about what you do or say - scared that one false move on your part will send them running.

The Art of Apology

The Art of Apology

H2O…. you know… water. It’s pretty much the lifeforce of our existence. Remove the O (oxygen) from it and you simply don’t have water. Clearly, it’s the sum of its parts that makes it so. Similarly, an apology requires four equally important components to be complete and effective. If it’s missing even a single part, it isn’t really an apology.

The Difference Between Your Ego and Essence

The Difference Between Your Ego and Essence

What is the difference between your ego and essence (soul)? It's a worthy distinction. In fact, one of the first things learned through Soul Expansion is how to “fire” your brain and become more skilled at living from your essence (soul). The brain is almost always incorrect, by contrast your soul is always correct.

Fundamental Communication

Fundamental Communication

The central communication skill in harmonious relationships is telling the truth. There are many benefits from being able to tell the bottom line truth to your partner. First, it increases liveliness in each partner and in the relationship; clear, truthful communication opens a deeper Love and flow of intimacy. Second, clear communication that sticks to basic sensations and individual experience prevents argument.

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

Does Divorce Scar Children or Is It Poor Parenting Choices That Damage?

With the favored conditions, sheen, and holiday sensibilities it’s understandable that annually December holds the designation as the month with the most engagements. However, as the calendar page turns with each new year, we also discover that January retains the title as the month with the highest rate of divorce filings. In fact, it’s commonly referenced within related industries (wellness, legal, financial, etc.) as “Divorce Month.” Further details indicate that the first Monday [in January] after schools are back in session from holiday break is the single day with the most filings of the month.

The New Relationship: Change Five Beliefs to Make Love Your Truth… Again.

The New Relationship: Change Five Beliefs to Make Love Your Truth… Again.

[I'm confessing upfront that while this blog post is longer than usual, it may be one of my personal favorites of anything I've written. I think it's worth reading alongside a cup of tea or coffee.]

I woke up in the middle of the night, quickly scribbled five things, and went right back to sleep. In the morning, I awoke to decipher my barely legible script, and as I often do, carried the note in my pocket all day to keep echoing.

Learn to Love Your Imperfections

Learn to Love Your Imperfections

Do you experience shame and are annoyed by your imperfections?

Your imperfections are part of your being and make you more interesting, special, and unique. It’s time to accept them instead of fighting them. You can’t achieve optimal health and wellness if you’re battling inner issues about who you are.