We don't get the love we want, we get the love we believe we deserve! Often, there is a wide gap between these two shorelines. Reinvigorate the process of dating as you shift from being 'completed' to being 'complemented'. Stop repeating the same relationships and discover the ways that you want to be loved and clearly define the partnership - and partner - you are seeking! Learn the purpose of intimate relationships and skills that can instantly be applied to find your soul mate!
Already dating? This program offers a wonderful opportunity for partners to deepen their shared connection and develop a conscious loving relationship.
Romance is simply a loving intention or thought brought to action. It's not about flowers, chocolates, or sex! Enjoy an amazingly fun program as you move beyond archaic beliefs about romance and reveal that you are a born romantic.
Whether you are currently single or in an intimate partnership, this program will benefit you! Learn about the three different types of romance and deepen the relationships you hold with yourself and others, instantly uncovering the ways that you and your partner want to be loved!
The Annual Workshop Pass allows you to attend any (single-day) Soul Expansion workshop or event for one-year from day of purchase! Any time. Any place.
Attend any single-day workshop or event (live or webinar) for one-year!
Enjoy and expand into the different areas each specific workshop guides you.
Revisit and rediscover deeper insight within a workshop or event you previously attended.
Accompany a friend to a workshop (without incurring cost).
You'll also receive a 25% reduction on any other services including private one-to-one sessions and multi-week workshops.
Find enlightenment. Fast. Our core program offers transformational shifts in how you see yourself, others, and your journey through life. It focuses on essential concepts that quickly bring your soul towards fuller integrity and enlightenment as you discover, explore, and heal within a loving and gentle space. You'll learn skills to become stronger, secure, and empowered.
Step into an uplifting combination of discussion, games, and specialized activities that provide epiphany and results which are immediate and lasting!