Conscious Separation
Conscious Separation
We may know how to end a marriage or relationship, but most of us don't know how to complete them. It may seem unexpected that we offer a program for Conscious Dating and another for Conscious Separation, but some relationships may not last through our lifetime.
Research clearly demonstrates that how we conclude a significant relationship determines our view of it and ourselves, affecting how we manage future relationships. It doesn't matter if you've been dating a few months or together for several years, the fact is a break-up or divorce can be a very traumatic experience. Regardless of how cordial the process, once we set aside the logistics most of us are left vulnerable, raw, and often disoriented. Let's make a change for the better!
Understanding how to navigate this delicate transition in a mutually kind, compassionate, and generative manner is essential to the success and well-being of the individuals, family, and community of friends.
This program works with one or both relationship partners (and family members when relevant) to clearly identify beliefs around your relationship. It offers specific skills to elevate beyond self-defeating patterns and behaviors, guiding you towards a conscious completion and greater love and relationships.